How to Update Your LinkedIn

LinkedIn has been changing for the better lately. It is becoming a place that people and businesses can not only connect professionally, but also share credible content. We put together a few tips & tricks to get your LinkedIn to its full potential.  

Update your profile picture 

Make sure you are dressed professionally & the picture is clear. It can make a world of a difference! 

Update your cover photo 

Most people don’t think to update their cover photo, but it can really send you over the top. Make sure it is cohesive and relevant to your personal brand.  

Share links  

Sharing links to articles or work that you’ve done is a great way to beef up your profile. If you’re a graphic designer that had something published share it! 

Add Media  

Uploading and sharing media is a great way to bring your profile to life. Sharing informational graphics and work that you’ve done adds credibility. 

Update your skills 

Did you throw in some skills when you first made your profile and then forget about them? If so, now is the time to go through them and add or delete things that are no longer relevant or that you may have recently acquired. 

Make your summary more interesting 

It is very important that they first two lines of your summary are interesting because that is all that shows up immediately. You want it to be enticing enough that the person looking at it takes the time to click “see more” and read the rest. 

Don’t pigeonhole yourself  

Making your job title broader allows you to showcase more of your talents. 

Doing just a couple of these things in a few minutes is such an easy way to upgrade your professional appearance online.